Work in the US as a Healthcare Professional

Work in the US as a Healthcare Professional

Job Opportunities for Medical Workers From Around the World

Work in the US as a Healthcare Professional

Job Opportunities for Medical Workers From Around the World

Medical Workers

Employment That Allows You To Live the American Dream With Your Family

Find work in the US healthcare industry with immigration opportunities for you and your family at CGSL International Medical Professional Recruiters. Based in Lawton, OK, we connect medical workers from other English-speaking countries to local employers.

What We Do

the American Dream

Our recruitment services enable medical professionals like physical therapists, nurses, and occupational therapists from the Philippines, India, and other English-speaking countries to work and live in the US with their families.

Why Choose Us

Medical Recruitment Agency
  • Diverse industry network and solid business connections to 92 hospitals
  • Immigration assistance for you
  • Opportunity to move your family members with you to the US

Recruitment Services With a Personal Touch

We are a Christian organization founded by a Chilean business entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in the immigration industry. Our faith-based approach inspires our direct interaction with the people we help.

Reimbursement of licensure tests

Get Started Today

Let us connect you to a hiring medical institution in the US for employment opportunities and an immigration lawyer so that you can bring your family with you. Reach out to us for exceptional recruitment services in the US healthcare industry.